
Every script coverage includes:

  • Detailed notes directly on the page: anything we like, anything we dislike, format advice, structure advice, etc.
  • A page-long review and analysis of the work, in which we sum-up our thoughts and provide overall advice for steps ahead. 
  • A 1-10 rating on premise, dialogue, plot, setting, characters, and an overall script rating. 

Each script can be read by up to three different readers - depending on the package you choose - and so you can receive up to three separate versions of notes, up to three separate page-long reviews, and up to three separate ratings. Different works relate to different readers, so we aim to provide as much objectivity as possible.

Look Aside values artistic integrity above all, so we are more than accepting of any and all works. We're eager to read stories that defy boundaries and innovate storytelling and every single script will be given our full attention. 

Each screenplay has different needs - based on how detailed you might need the feedback to be, how long the work is, what you'd like us to focus on - so if you're interested, please contact with any additional information and we will come back to you with our pricing list & a quote.

Do NOT send us the full script in your introductory email unless we ask for it - any emails containing a script attachment will be deleted immediately.

Our team can design a treatment for your project that you can use to more successfully pitch the work to companies / investors.

Treatments vary incredibly based on your personal needs; a deck will include all information you deem necessary - which usually includes a synopsis, statements from the creatives, information on the team, imagery, and more. We then design a visual bible which includes that information and appropriately connects to and sells your project.

This service typically includes initial consultation for the project, as well as 2x rounds of amends. 

Each treatment is different - based on the length of the deck, the information necessary, the detail you would require for the work - so if you're interested, please contact with any additional information and we will come back to you with our pricing list & a quote.

We are also always around for free general consultations regarding your project - we can advise on development steps, sales, festivals, markets, finance, budgets, and a lot more. We aim to build an honest, kind, and transparent industry and we do not believe in gatekeeping. Email with any information and we'd be more than happy to help.

Please be aware, due to the large numbers of emails we receive and our heavy workflow at the moment, we might take longer to respond and any consultations / sessions are always pending our availability.